This website is essentially a resource for serious analog audiophiles. The goal of each and every article posted here is to help readers find their way forward in this hobby until they can begin to realize the full potential of analog in their systems.

I believe that potential is nothing short of astonishing. Nevertheless, analog is not for everyone. This is mostly because analog is just plain hard to do, or at least hard to do well.

So if spinning a record or streaming music is just a way for you to relax, unwind and take time out from all the energy and effort you put into your day, this website may be more annoying than useful. If that’s the case, you are TOTALLY FINE where you are, and you needn’t read any further.

Enjoy your music YOUR way! BY ALL MEANS!

But maybe, even if you wouldn’t necessarily call yourself a “serious” analog audiophile, you might be curious about what that might mean for you. If that’s the case, this website might be the right place to find out. And if you’re more than a little curious and have begun to think that getting more “serious” about analog might be in your future, then this IS the place for the information and the inspiration to help you take a more proactive approach to vinyl playback.

I make “0” $ doing this! My sole interest is to share some of what I’ve learned and convey how THRILLING it can be to discover just what really is in those tiny little record grooves. And let me tell you, there’s a heck of a lot in there! WAY more than I ever thought and way more than the vast majority of audiophiles even realize.

The basics of analog audio boil down to essentially 2 things. First you need the RIGHT RECORDS. I have literally made changes to my system because I thought it had certain problems, only to realize years later that those problems had much more to do with the records I was playing than they did with my system. The records you play make ALL the difference and are THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN ANALOG.

This website it chock full of content with specific recommendations on records that sound good, records to avoid and tips on both how to find better sounding records and how to make the records you already own sound even better.

Once you have some great sounding records in your collection, then you need a system that can actually play those records back well. You will see A LOT of audiophiles out there offering up their opinions and, in some cases, their vast knowledge and experience in audio and all of its facets. What you will rarely see out there are audiophiles talking about the fact that having the right records is ESSENTIAL for success in this hobby.

Therefore all of the advice given here about system set up and equipment is predicated on the notion that you’ve got to have the right records for any of that advice to bear fruit. With the right records and the right choice of equipment you can build a VERY TRANSPARENT, HIGHLY REVEALING and WILDLY GREAT sounding analog system that will literally BLOW YOUR MIND! I absolutely guarantee it (although I won’t refund your money if you’re not satisfied, sorry!).





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